Misconceptions About Chiropractic in Brenham TX

There are many common misconceptions that I would like to possibly make more clear. Most misconceptions fall into 1 of 3 categories
Chiropractic Misconceptions in Brenham TX
The first category is treatment whether it is how long or how many. I think that most of this misconception is through lack of communication for example if the chiropractor told a wife that her problem due to the severity would require 14 visits. When she gets home she tells her husband I need 14 visits I don’t know why. What may have been left out may be important, for example the doctor might have said that out of 4 stages of degeneration she was an early stage 3 and that to “fix” the problem where it wouldn’t come back would probably take around 14 visits however, the pain would be much diminished in half that time. I think if it is not clear to the patient why they are still doing treatment when they are out of pain then they get confused it is the Dr’s responsibility that the patient and their spouse know as much about their care and problem as possible.
Another misconception is that Chiropractic care in Brenham TX is expensive or lengthy. It is neither especially if it is done in a timely manner. It is a lot like dental care if proper dental hygiene is practiced or cavities are dealt with when they are small problems they prevent the major expensive problems…..Chiropractic is the same way in that sense. Also the average out of pocket expenses in our office are around 40. Compare that to the usual costs associated with seeing a Neuro-surgeon MRI’s Nerve conductions tests and consultations typically run over 5000, remember that is without any care.
I also think that a common misconception is that Chiropractors deal in the fringe of health care. What I mean by that is that I believe that before I meet some of my patients they are anxious that maybe I’m practicing a mystical type of healing, similar to a yogi or a witch doctor. Whereas to me I feel like our process which is consultation with the patient to learn how the problem affects them. Followed by examination to determine the level of their problem and finally x-ray and x-ray analysis to determine if a Chiropractic problem exists. After all of this the patient is given a comprehensive report and given the option of care. To me I think it is extremely simple in summary stresses or accidents create a “bone out of place” that in turn puts pressure on the muscles, tendons and ligaments and if left untreated will affect the nervous system. Our treatment involves identifying that and correcting it, the whole time the patient is the decision maker and is informed.
I would tell a patient considering care that it is safe painless and effective and that the earlier they make it part of their system the sooner they will feel better.
Some of the techniques used in our office are Diversified manipulation where gentle adjustments are done to the spine or other joints to affect the way the move and their alignment. We also have a full therapy section that includes Estim and laser to help with pain. We also have spinal decompression, Gambale traction chairs, vibration plates and percussor for more advanced therapy. Our office is the only office in Brenham to offer almost all of these therapies, there is no other office in The tri-county area that can offer what we can.
8:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 5:30pm
8:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 5:30pm
8:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 5:30pm
8:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 5:30pm
8:30am - 11:00am
Saturday & Sunday
Bartay Chiropractic
352 Stone Hill Dr
Brenham, TX 77833
P: (979) 836-5591
F: (979) 836-5596